One of the most intelligent (and occasionally arrogant) people I know has something to say about human stupidity and the hubris of intelligence.
The world will be one of woe until and unless people, and the Professors,
Pundits and Politicians need to be first in line, accept that THEY ARE STUPID
and act accordingly. We need an Arrogance Anonymous and I think a twelve step
plan. People stand up in front of their peers and say, 'I am Michael Ferguson
and I AM STUPID!' You, of course, need to insert your name in there. I used my
name, partially to not offend anyone else whose name I may have used. It would
be true, but they may not like that I singled them out. However, mostly it was
to communicate that this applies to me, too. Yes, I am vastly less stupid than
you. In fact, I may be the least stupid person on the planet. More importantly,
I am vastly less ignorant than you. BUT I AM STILL STUPID AND I KNOW IT!!